WTF happened yesterday?

You still don't understand the term you are talking about because you aren't going past breaking the phrase into it's constituent words and acting like it's the definition. From the link:

"When white terrorists bomb a black church and kill five black children, that is an act of individual racism, widely deplored by most segments of the society. But when in that same city--Birmingham, Alabama--five hundred black babies die each year because of the lack of power, food, shelter and medical facilities, and thousands more are destroyed and maimed physically, emotionally and intellectually because of conditions of poverty and discrimination in the black community, that is a function of institutional racism. When a black family moves into a home in a white neighborhood and is stoned, burned or routed out, they are victims of an overt act of individual racism which most people will condemn. But it is institutional racism that keeps black people locked in dilapidated slum tenements, subject to the daily prey of exploitative slumlords, merchants, loan sharks and discriminatory real estate agents. The society either pretends it does not know of this latter situation, or is in fact incapable of doing anything meaningful about it." [2]

The statistics regarding black economies, education, and health point to one of two conclusions. Either: A) This is a group of inferior people who are genetically predetermined to simply be lesser. Black people are poor because it's a racial trait. Black people are the victims of crime and perpetrators of crime because of their skin color.

B) The institutions of society function in subtle ways to benefit one race over another, with ample evidence for this being shown through ever facet of life in America.

But yeah lets just keep pretending it's about bank loans.

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