Wtf, Man in St. Louis kills homeless man in broad daylight.

While I think it's important for people to be able to see profoundly difficult but also profoundly important content -- the George Floyd murder is an excellent example here -- it is also important to be able to avoid that content. This is especially true if the content has a racial or marginalized group component, because it becomes very difficult not to internalize it and have it completely fuck up your day/week/life for awhile.

Something I noticed was a fairly large number of PoC on Twitter asking people to /not/ blast video of the recent murder of Tyre Nichols for this very reason.

Sorta similarly, I'm a trans person, and for about two weeks I could not escape the constant media attention of a young trans person in the UK. There wasn't video of it or anything, but you can really only see the headline or photos of her so many times before it begins to become deeply psychologically affecting. It's by no means the same as watching people be flagrantly murdered by the cops, but I also have my own life to live, and being constantly reminded that many people do not want you to live that life makes it very difficult.

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