Look, WTF is the problem. I am just going to smoke two cigs on way to vegas and two in vegas.

It doesn’t matter whether or not you reset... The only thing that matters is whether you’re a smoker or a non-smoker.

I quit for 3 weeks, then had a cigarette at a friend’s birthday. Now it’s been two more weeks without a cigarette. I’m wary of falling into the mental trap of “just one won’t hurt” but for me, it was just one.

Of course, it’s not a behaviour I want to keep repeating because I’ve seen too ex-smokers “just one” their way to an entire box... But I’m not gonna beat myself up over it and reset my quitting smoking app - that’ll just make me feel like shit. I’m just gonna keep moving forward.

No one can tell you what to do but just be aware that you’ll be opening Pandora’s Box.

/r/stopsmoking Thread