WTF vasectomies are so cheap!

I'm in Europe, but yeah mine cost around USD 1,000. That said, I don't agree that there's a lack of stigma. If you're a married 40yo+ with several kids, sure, but more traditional (read: uninformed) people still consider it an abomination, some actually think it's a form of castration. I had one in my early 30s and certainly wouldn't feel comfortable telling someone unless I knew them really well. I haven't even told my parents, as my mom has made it clear that anyone who had it done is an "egoist with no more use to the world". For the record, I had a kid with my ex-wife and am 100% certain I don't want anymore, but I am already preparing myself for uncomfortable questions after my current girlfriend and I will have been together for a few years.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread