wuuthrad is racist

SAVE OUR LIFE MESSAGE !!!! Dear all , this is an actual message from my heart .... My name is Thierry , and I am getting suched out from the single room I rent if I can't pay 3 mouth unpaid yet at this moment I am writig this S.O.S message , and If nothing fro me is done , up in these 3 days ..

I am 31 Years Old , I teach English and math, ( freelancer) ,these last Three month , didn't just had anywhere to work , living in a Undeveloped country , the work is a luck, and ( as I haven't achieved a High Education Degree due to lack of support )... I find myself just out powered, and stuck, not knowing what to do .. I observe as I am just not knowing even, where to go , don't have what to tell the owner ... I would have paid him the 6th , a friend promised his help , but up until now .. didn't yet reach out ... dear reader , do not pass this by , it is a call for help , from the deepest of my soul , please , before you go over , maybe one tiny act , could help me in three days , jump out from desperation, I will fight ,I like to fight ,but now , I really need a tiny help , to help me get through , and get up , and fight with my life maybe be change this for me , my situation , my name is Thierry , my message is real , not a scam , you could contact me for more information , I will be happy to answer , email address I use [email protected] thanks in advance for all your heart is touched with to help .. In my life , I will never forget , this email , has paypal .. if any question , just ask me any question ,I will respond , this time Is a teaching for me . thanks for all ,if , you read the message , thanks already for the effort ! thanks fro all efforts , thanks fro all efforts ! May God Remember your needs too that humans cannot solve ...

I need 300$ to be safe from this situation now , maybe you could help just by sharing , all help is help , with all heart

/r/skyrim Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it