WW II pilot describes what he did to German pilot shooting down allies in parachutes

Holy shit this brings back memories. One time I came back from school after our first holocaust class and I told dad about what we learned. He took me to grandpas. Grandpa had a small chest full of his war stuff (he liberated a concentration camp). He started talking about all the horrifying shit he saw while pulling out these nightmare items he had taken from the camp. First he talked about how he saw these towers of human remains. Half were mutilated and had their genitals removes, as if by some psycho serial killer. The naziz just piled them up and left them out to rot. He says that the stench was so great he vomited multiple times. Not the guards, they seemingly loved the smell and used it as psychological warfare against the innocent inmates.

He then pulled out a tiny lampshade out of his chest, and had me hold it. I looked at it bit, and it was really macabre. I didn't know it at the time, so he explained to me that the guards frequently flayed Jews, sometimes alive, and used their skin to bind books, make items, and sometimes just for fun. He started tearing up as he told the story. The lampshade was apparently used by the camp commander. He also showed me bard of soap made from human fat. He said that there was a box full of them in the camp. It was an off rose-yellow color. It didn't smell like anything. He then told me about the execution chambers. You always hear about the gas chambers, and those were incredibly effective and lethal, but the guards liked to have their sick idea of fun. One prisoner told my grandpa that, when the camp ran out of Zyklon B, the guards still filled the gas chambers with people, lined up shoulder to shoulder so none could stand, and just left them in there until they died. He said that many killed themselves simply because they kept hearing these people scream. The guards sometimes pissed on them through the vent holes while laughing.

Grandpa then took the items back and closed the chest and said to us, "Never let anyone say "it didn't happen." I was there. Thousands of people were there. Tens of millions died. Never let it happen again. I see it revving up again. Its on your generation to stop it."

He died five years ago, and I will never forget his message. FUCK NAZIZ and FUCK FASCISTS

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