[x-post twox] It was easier to give in than keep running

I'm way, way late to the party, on this one, but...

The first thing that strikes me is she has had a really, really rough life experience. I don't believe, and certainly hope, that her experiences are anything close to typical.

Additionally, while the attacks upon her are certainly not something she should ever need endure, she didn't seem to make the best of decisions. I want to stress that I'm not saying that this is a cause of her to be abused, simply that better decision making may be a preventative measure. I don't think I'm victim blaming to point out ways in which her decision may not have been ideal, or may have contributed to her being abused. In particular, the way she attempts to walk home alone, in a town she doesn't really know, and so on. I mean, call a cab? Tell a bartender what happened? Ask to use the phone to call your friends? Just get better friends? Whatever the case, she definitely shouldn't have been taken advantage of, but she also shouldn't have been walking the street alone at night, etc. And to be fair to women, men shouldn't be walking alone at night either.

Also, the number of incidents strikes me as almost hyperbolic. There's just so many times that people have, or have tried, to abuse her. The teacher's comment in particular surprised me - especially given that the teacher being tenured wouldn't matter for sexual harassment claims.

Everyday she went home with no money

So... she's not a prostitute? I mean, i don't see how the author's friend having an affair with a married man is some sort of feminist issue.

the many times my father has called me fat

My mom has told me, and my sister, that we're getting fat, or overweight, or whatever, multiple times through our lives. I mean, on the one side, she's saying it because she cares. On the other side, its kind of dickish behavior to call out someone's faults all the time. Still, she wasn't wrong - so maybe we did need to do something about it, and even if fat shaming is some sort of a problem, telling someone you care about that they need to lose weight isn't shaming them, but informing that they need to make some life changes.

the messages on OKCupid asking to “fart in my mouth.”

So... why is the fact that anonymity on the internet breeds asshole behavior a feminist issue?

Men have no idea what it takes to be a woman.

And women have no idea what its like to be a man - just like everyone else in this thread has basically said. Further, its pretty clear who this article was written for - feminists [which is fine, but its clearly pushing an ideological position of the gynocentric].

To grin and bear it and persevere.

You mean, like being a man, where you have to shove your emotions down, bury them, because its unacceptable for you to be emotional? Where stoicism is the only option? There's a reason that men lead in successful suicides...

The constant state of war, navigating the relentless obstacle course of testosterone and misogyny, where they think we are property to be owned and plowed


Constant state of war? That's a bit hyperbolic, isn't it? The relentless obstacle course of testosterone? Where? Misogyny? Support that. And no, most men don't think that women are property to be owned and plowed. Meet better men. Not all men are assholes like this, so at some point, one should self-reflect and see if maybe they're just bad at choosing men with which to associate themselves - or perhaps, stop assuming things of men, and thinking that all men are the problem. Just because a guy thinks your ass looks great in those pants doesn't mean that he only sees you as a sexual object, only wants sex, and so on.

We are people, just like them. Equals, in fact, or at least that’s the core of what feminism is still trying to achieve.

So... women aren't, presently, men's equals? The wording of this rather poor, because its not saying that women should be treated as men's equals, but become men's equals, because right now, they're not. The wording is bad. What they're trying to say is to be treated as equals - which, generally and broadly speaking, they are in my opinion.

There are female CEOs, though not very many. There are females writing for the New York Times and winning Pulitzer prizes, though not very many. There are female politicians, though not very many. But these advances are only on paper. The job won’t be over until equality permeates the air we breathe, the streets we walk and the homes we live in.

What does ANY of this have to do with being sexually abused and taken advantage of on multiple occasions? What does female CEOs have to do with seriously shitty human being who are actively taking advantage of other generally-defenseless individuals? Why does this entire article now sound like a rather clever emotional appeal predicated on one individual quite terrible experiences, that may or may not have anything to do with their gender?

The woman being abused is reprehensible. The fact that she had to go through any of that is horrible, but shitty people are going to be shitty people, and the only realistic thing we can do is improve preventative methods - and maybe work towards rehabilitation of those shitty people who may have been abused themselves.

Feminism doesn't have much specifically to do with that, though.

/r/FeMRADebates Thread Link - ibelieveyouitsnotyourfault.tumblr.com