Xanax help

You realize that all pills are pressed and you're making an arbitrary distinction because your "real" bars were pressed by a pharma company, right? Isn't alprazolam considered "synthetic" in general?

Alprazolam is alprazolam. Legit pharma xanax will give you withdrawals and make you do stupid things just like alprazolam in any form will. That statement you made was just ludicrous. Of course, legit pharma pressed xanax is quality controlled and can be trusted to contain alprazolam in the stated amount. Of course that's not the case with illicit pills.

"Fake" bars do generally contain alprazolam, etizolam, or something similar in some amount though. Fent can easily be tested for. There's nothing that says a fake xanax can't contain alprazolam in the right amount. If that is the case, then there's pragmatically no difference between it and a legitimate pill. Of course, you're taking more of chance than you are with a legitimate pharma pill.

You have some semblance of a point, but you're grossly overstating your case and some of what you're saying is just misinformation, dude.

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