[xbox] [discussion] I have 5 Tw zombas pcc I’m deciding should I keep them and wait till they go up or sell them now?

I guess I really don't agree with this logic but that's fine. I wouldn't say they were super rare by any means but rarity still contributed to why the price was the way it was. I bet there are maybe 2 to 4 times more (just guessing, possibly even be higher) tw zombas out there now after Christmas. With so many people having them they will become less cool and less desirable. As I mentioned I purchased from the store and don't even want to use them because they just became so basic. I honestly don't care what happens to them because I don't own a tradable pair and have no reason to buy one, but I really just don't see these going up. There is no way to tell but I think it's more likely they'll go down than up.

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