Unpopular opinion: I don’t care. I pay $12 per month to Adobe to edit photos, $15 to Netflix, $9 to Disney, $40 to Hulu, wherever the annual cost of Amazon prime is, plus annual fees on credit cards. It’s basically been too affordable for too long ya’ll.
I know I’ll be downvoted to oblivion, but they have/are continuing to deliver the best gaming service possible.
I would say “look at game pass! Look at alllllll the free shit we got!”, but people who are upset by this news, don’t actually care.
So, they increased the price. And now you want to compare it to Sony’s prices... have you ever played PS ONLINE? it’s trash.
I don’t welcome this news, but I refuse to be upset about it too. It is a what it is kids. As long as capitalism exists, people gonna grab money when money is out to grab.