XMR hash rate dropped by over 80% after ASIC hard fork

I’m Mining XMR now too and I’m loving it.

The profitability, if it hits, is great. It’s actually profitable. But far more important is that I’m supporting a group of people who care about me. I’m not even a part of the secret leadership club, but still they value my input.

That’s a great feeling, to not be excluded. To not be talked down to. To not be mocked. It’s something few places can offer, and with Monero people can have that once again, R - E - S - P - E - C - T.

I understand the difficulty of leading, of leadership. Of being asked to make decision beyond your experience. Of uniting factions and building trust.

Eth has a great team of people. Huge numbers of people that depend on them, count on them.

But it saddens me when I see the way they treat their peasants. It’s not kind. But who would treat them any other way?

Let that be a lesson to one and all. When you are kicked out of the political system, the voting system mocked, & your being scuffed, then that is no healthy place for you. You must leave.

I will continue to support Eth because I like change, and a great change is coming, indeed. Some may suffer immensely, but I hope they endure. That is all I seek. To preserve, to acknowledge, to document.

There will be a great lesson for future generations within this climate. Treasure it, for your life will never come again.

This is your moment to shine, to record, to preserve. Remember the truth of today, for tomorrow it will be reflected in lies and your testimony will be the key to protecting the new.

Record this truth. Know it. Know what happened here today. It will be of great value, a tapestry, a quilt - a truth of the past.

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