xQc makes an announcement

He was bantering with the Houston Outlaws player Muma who is gay, after Muma was saying he got "rolled and smoked" when he wasn't even playing. and he went on he stated that Muma shouldn't talk bad to him whilst he was on the sidelines, and told him to "suck a dick, but he would probably like that." This was a very minor statement as he would say it to anyone regardless of sexuality, plus his former teammate taimou used a actual slur towards gay people and received a mere fine but I digress. (No hate to him though as he apologized as well.) In short he was deemed as a homophobe for this and the community, which is notorious for it's "progressive values" went ballistic. Hope that helped. xqcL (This is just my opinion but, the real ban ban happened after the trihard spam but that was less important to them)

/r/LivestreamFail Thread Parent Link - clips.twitch.tv