Xwing Puzzle Club 4: Fight or Flight Phantoms

I'd expect at least two rounds of play in ten minutes, with three ships on the board. Boba needs to prevent 2 damage, while the phantoms can afford to give up half points on one of the ships if they bring Boba to half.

First, the unhurt phantom cloaks. Boba is most likely going to do a 1-straight, or 1-bank right to clear stress. I would guess a bank right, followed by a boost right to get the defensive obstruction bonus, saving his Han focus for defense and the seismic for the turn after.

With that in mind, I'd dial a one-bank right for SS2 and evade (or possibly barrel roll right). SS1 decloaks right and does a three-bank left to keep his options open.

/r/XWingTMG Thread Link - xwingpuzzleclub.wordpress.com