Yale psychiatrist: Trump’s convention lies and fear-mongering may “provoke a lot of violence”

First, I believe Obama, and Clinton and both Bushes, and Regan were all fascists. Also as a veteran I find it disturbing how much Ultranationalism there is in our country. Second, none of those people are in office, so what’s with the whataboutism? None of those people including Trump were legislators, the immigration policy in the US is based in civil law not a criminal. So the level of criminal treatment under most administrations has been fascist.

Also, to further prove my point there was a wrongful death suite in the assassination of MLK where an FBI agent covered up evidence of prior knowledge of the attack, his peaceful protest had him killed. Not to mention most people who were part of the civil rights movement didn’t begin talking about MLK until after his death, he was not viewed as a visionary and was widely disliked.

Moreover, how many Colin Kaepernics knelt and made peaceful protests only to be demonized, gaslit and even blackballed.

This is not to say peaceful protest doesn’t work, but the people in power need to be made uncomfortable if we are to see change. Any government that sends troops to “foster democracy” by funding foreign militias (See Obama, Bush Sr. And Jr.) because we want to keep other countries destabilized to implement capitalism friendly regimes doesn’t care if people are peaceful. The civil rights movement only progressed after people became violent.

Fortunately or unfortunately, our country was founded on war and guns and mob rule, just because the mob votes for something in great numbers does not mean the best idea won.

People are afraid and lashing out because the federal government has disregarded the documents that are supposed to ensure the freedom of our nation. Emoluments claus, foreign campaign finance interference, federal deployment of unmarked troops, dismantled epa, Diana tales post office, take your pick, When the system of bipartisanship is eroded as far as ours has, the branches of government have failed and can only as Ben Franklin so eloquent said “watered in the blood of patriots” if we do not wish for this to continue as it has since Nixon, people must take to the streets, the only language oppression understands is violence.

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