Do y'all feel like the people at survinginfidelity are delusional

Well I'm sorry you're going through that right now :/ I know how horrible it is. I think my main problem with that sub is the way they act like every situation should be handled exactly the same way. One example is the girl who posted about having revenge sex. I totally get it, I had revenge sex too. But it felt like everybody projected their own bs onto her and attacked the fuck out of her. And it was sad to me.

I think everyone does what they feel they have to to move on. Why sit in your own misery just to say I'm not a cheater, I'm above my spouse. If you feel like you need to cheat so you know how it feels, cheat...

Like I feel like everyone who has been cheated on deserves sympathy. Not to be attacked... I also feel like alot of them are lying to themselves about the future loyalty of their spouse. That's where the delusional comes in. That sounds really mean. I don't mean it to be. But i feel like if you're in a situation where your spouse has cheated with more than one person, then it's more than likely going to continue. But it all depends on if he or she really feels what he or she did was wrong or not.

Lol omg at your husband!!! Of course we are all going to be attracted to other people. That doesn't go away. Doesn't mean you gotta put your dick in her!!! If I let every guy in my vagina who I was attracted to.........well let's just fuckin scratch that because I don't find alot of men attractive

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