Yall think yall are toxic, but you're honestly way nicer than Chinese forums

First thing first, as a Chinese player in NA pub, I never referred anyone N-word, M-word, W-word, told anyone to die or go to hell, or attacked anyone verbally in game/on the internet. I knew the feeling of being called C-word when I was in a "red neck" state for my exchange student year. Almost everyone I met, other than my teachers and couple close friends, said that word to me as a greeting. I was ashamed and scared. But on the other hand, they are also the people who took care of me when I was there, 17 years old, didn't understand English well, by myself. They invited me to their family dinners on holidays, sent me card and presents on my birthday, took me to local Chinese restaurant because they think I might miss Chinese food. So, are they racist? I don't think so, and I think they don't understand the meaning of the C-word. If I told them this word equals to the N-word, I believe they would never use it again to other Chinese. My point is, for people who don't understand why certain words are racist, I would be more than happy to explain the reason that saying these words could hurt people. But if you've already knew this is a bad word, and still said it, then you are being racism. In the Skem incident, Valve should punish him because he knew the meaning of the word and still said it in an official tournament. As for Kuku incident, being a professional player he should understand there are people watching his pub games, and he should be more sensitive. But I don't think Valve should do anything to a pub game, after all, we already have too much censorship. (I support lock room talk should be allowed) As for tieba/weibo/reddit/twitter/fb/twitch chat, I hope people can understand calling other names is very rude and offensive, and making Chongqing major as a racism meme is just simply wrong.

/r/DotA2 Thread