Yang 2020

Systemic Issue the actually cause poverty?

You mean like the neoliberal ideology of the 70s/80s resulting in a Trickle Down Economy (aka Tax Cuts for the Rich)? => UBI will result in a trickle up economy

You mean like Corruption? Corruption is part of every hierarchical system (that's why corporations are corrupt, that's the reason Socialism did not work) => UBI and Democracy Dollars invert the power dynamics making companies and government more dependent on everyday people

You mean like governments success being judged on GDP and unemployment rates? => Yang's Human Centered Capitalism replaces in a new Score Card

You mean like huge polarization resulting in a two party system, where everyone votes out of fear instead of the progressive candidates? => Yangs Ranked CHoice Voting will help solving that

Are there more systemic issues I've overlooked?

UBI will change the power dynamics in many ways.

/r/YangForPresidentHQ Thread Link - i.imgur.com