Yanis Varoufakis resigns

It does. At this point half our country is just being outright fucking racist, they believe the only real problem is that Greeks are just too lazy to work. Those are the fucking idiots who vote conservatives election after election because they think owning two pairs of shoes makes them capitalists that the left wants to disown. If this was a scandinavian country instead of Greece, people would be completely willing to see their perspective and to try their way. But nobody trusts the lazy evil Greeks, because their just leeches and thiefs and good for nothing except cheap all-inclusive vacation.

Most of these people don't even understand or care that Germany is so far only standing surety for loans and almost no money has moved to Greece yet. All they see is "lazy faselakis are stealing my rent". They think oh look the lazy fucks are getting 13th and 14th rent payments, disregarding that all in all they still get a fucking shit rent compared to Germany. Oh look the lazy fucks are sitting at the beach instead of working, how lazy, disregarding that half of the youth that is unemployed would probably kill to have a job at this point. Oh look the lazy fucks have so many early-pensioners. THATS BECAUSE THEY SACRIFICED THEIR REAL RENT LATER TO HAVE SOME SOCIAL SECURITY, TO BE ABLE TO EVEN FUCKING EAT NOW. That's what that is. They are getting their spread out eariler. But nobody even gives a shit about this because it's so much easiert to read the focus and axel-springer bullshit propaganda telling them the "simple truths"

Sorry for my tantrum but the way that our politicians stand in parliament and say things like "Just look at those greasy guys Tsipras and Varoufakis, would you buy a used car from them?" and how they generally just reject any notion of debt restructuring makes my fucking blood boil. ABoutDeSouffle is just one more guy who identifies more with the interests of the banks that Greece owes money to (or owed money to before all that debt was bought) than with the interest of the Greek people, just like half this fucking country.

/r/europe Thread Parent Link - yanisvaroufakis.eu