Yeah...even /r/worldnews thinks /r/China is way too vitriolic now :(

Name a single place on the Internet with more reasonable and knowledgeable discussions of China.

/r/worldnews (Sometimes there are really good analysis about news articles there), /r/askhistorians (Chinese culture/history, content heavy), ELI5 (Goes really in depth to explain why things in China are as it is with minimal bias and lots of info), Forbes/Economists/BBC/The Diplomat for in depth analysis (helped me out a lot in International relations) and of course Wikipedia. (I learned a lot from there, and great source to gather/learn info to back up your arguments)

Basically I am not saying that /r/China didn't teach me anything, but I have learned much more about China from those places I have listed above than I have from this subreddit in the 2 years I have been on Reddit due to the lack of in depth discussion and well the general negative/vitrolic attitude I find around here.

Why do you say expats are toxic?

Well that comes from my experience in this Subreddit compared to my experience with the rest of Reddit when people are discussing about China, and I mean its not just me, its a lot of people like /u/mprey who in another thread was disgusted by the attitude of many expats in this sub, or this guy who questions why this sub is so vitriolic, or this person a few days ago who after "sifting through some of the posts here" thought this place seems like a "huge circle jerk for expats" instead of a sub with quality discussion regarding China which he probably came for.

I mean sure you can complain about China and how much you hate your life there and your negative attitudes towards this place due to your experiences all you want and I am fine with it, but don't blame me when I point that by doing so it is creating a very vitriolic atmosphere here on this sub.

You're overwhelmingly negative in your comments here.

Like many other people here, just trying to fit in :P

You don't post often but when you do its usually to lament the quality of the sub

Like that time where I "lamented the quality of the sub" by pointing out why the Economists "Empire of the Pig" article is quite dumb in which you demonstrated your ability to facilitate quality discussion?

There are a few simple solutions. Stop visiting, or post more stuff you'd like to see, or try to suppress your anger when you read things you don't like.

Apologies for exercising my right to free speech to criticise things I don't agree with here. Suppressing your anger is not healthy btw and you should try and let it out like you and many other expats here are doing on a daily basis but I guess I do not have that privilege here do I?

/r/China Thread Link -