Yeah! Leave meth out of this!

“Schizophrenic bipolar” is called schizoaffective, genius. I’ve experienced a prolonged, severe manic episode with paranoid delusions where I came to believe things I never would have otherwise. but it was normal manic episode shit like being a TI, NWO and demonic imagery, I wasn’t coming out threatening to go “death con 3” on the Jews. Mania lowers your inhibitions, it pushes you to believe things you later realize aren’t true, but it doesn’t make a bigot of someone who didn’t already have fucked up views to begin with. Latuda isn’t going to make someone not antisemitic, is that how you’re figuring this goes?

And this isn’t even getting into the issues that make people reluctant to take those meds. You know that they fucking suck sometimes, you can deny it all you want but for some people it’s NOT worth the side effects of a cocktail of antipsychotics if they believe they can learn to manage otherwise. especially for a creative or someone who has an image to maintain. It’s not as simple as silly little Kanye hasn’t taken his meds!! He’s a nigh billionaire in an echo chamber. “It’s his own fault for not being on meds” You can be the good little manic depressive who takes your meds and condemns other people for acting off putting in public all you want, but don’t lie about the nature of this condition.

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