Yeah, no

Because I've read a dictionary and know what the word "spectrum" means. The possible results of a coin flip are neither infinite, nor continuous, therefore a coin flip is not a spectrum.

Okay, that makes sense.

Would you then say that it there can only ever be two possible outcomes to a coin toss?

If your question is "Is it within the Overton Window to use the word 'freak' in this context?", then my answer is "screw the Overton Window".

I'm not sure what the overton window has to do with this, but maybe it would help if I rephrased my question because I don't think you understood.

Do you think it is a nice thing to do to call someone a freak for being intersex?

For example, being born infertile because you have ovatestes is bad.


It leads to situations like that lady who poured bleach on her eyes, because she fantasized about going blind.

And what's wrong with that?

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