The year is 2022, on linux I can: browse the internet, open steam, discord etc. as native clients, adjust my room ambient lightning, play a current AAA title with a 1 click-tweak, edit a YT vector thumbnail and record & edit a video. Never would have dreamt leaving windows would be this comfy.

Bringing up game pass is no different from bringing up console exclusive games as a knock against Windows

Is GamePass on Linux? Your anecdote aside, just about everyone else can if they're using Windows. Thus, more games available, which is the context of this discussion.

I also disagree with "headaches are less on windows".

You're objectively wrong when it comes to PC Gaming. I don't WANT that to be true, but it certainly is. That said, Proton has gone a LONG way towards improving this.

my point is that we should compare the limitations head on

We are. You're the one ignoring context here. The overwhelming majority of games that have issues on Windows will likely have greater or equal issues on Linux unless otherwise built for it. You can't possibly be this intentionally obtuse.

Either way, my comment really was to highlight OP's obvious context. Nothing more, nothing less. Believe as you like /shrug.

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