A year after Trump’s election, York, Pa., is forever changed: “The country-fed boys, they’re hunters. I’m sorry, that’s what I thought. These city kids, they have guns. I thought it was going to be a big shootout.”

I live in York. It is a deeply racist place, and I've been acutely aware of the segregation and hate surrounding me. I was raised liberal in a very conservative school district, and i will admit to feeling utter contempt for the majority of people around me. I remember dancing in the street of the city when Obama was elected in 2008, and I trudged through a rainy day of work sobbing in the countryside when Trump weaseled his way into power in 2016.

This article does some justice to the overwhelming ignorance, arrogance, persecution-complex, naivete in regards to geopolitics and demographic change in my county, but it doesn't shame and call out the Nazi-lite background radiation of this county's culture. I wish we could eradicate all humans and start over without the thousands of years of abuse and religion that brought us to this point.

I've always been anti-religion, anti-normal, anti-government, but now i just feel afraid all the time, like I'm inside a machine designed to kill me slowly. I work, i laugh, i love, i obey the law, but I sense that Trump is going to tell his followers to kill kill kill if he feels too threatened, and these people can't wait for an excuse to kill everything non-white in sight.

And don't go assuming things: I'm white and male and live in intense fear of my own kind.

/r/TrueReddit Thread Link - bostonglobe.com