A Year Went By So Quickly

How this whole kneeling thing became such an enormous issue is fucking beyond me

A society invariably exists due to a social contract in which citizens and common territory are defended by members who are willing to pay the ultimate prices for it. To desecrate the flag nor nor contempt the National Anthem is not different than reject the gifts someone gives you by throwing them into their faces.

These people permanently sit so that you and I can stand http://goodcharityfund.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/WheelChair-Games-2.jpg

Respect your legs, respect the people who give you your legs, respect the people who defend your legs, so that you can do what many of them no longer can.

If you have problem with your brother or any member(s) of your family, you don't disrespect your whole family tree nor your ancestors. If you have problem with any government official(s), you don't condemn the whole nation nor its symbols. Take your problem to him or her individually that you have issue with. That is, assuming your grievance is legit.

/r/PoliticalHumor Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it