Years of paranormal experience & Satanic cult in a haunted forest

I feel I got into some retrocognition. This is going to be by far the creepiest thing that has happened to me and I can already tell its going to be the craziest and most unrealistic thing I have ever said, but for anyone who can make something out of it, I just ask you at least treat it as made up mystery to solve and pretend along, I cannot stress enough how serious or schizophrenic I am right now, if you dont believe me please just act like its possible for a moment, its gonna mean the world to me. I had no idea about prussian mythology and beliefs before i started researching this topic today, you can tell from my original post, it might be a coincidence but i cannot explain it.

A few months ago, early summer this year I had a very distinct, intense and overwhelming dream. I cant stress enough how real it felt, it wasnt like a regular oniric dream - i saw every detail clearly, the vision was realistic and consequent, it involved each of my senses and i have heared and shared full logical normal conversations, unusually exact and accurate, i could quote them up to a single word, I had thoughts and emotions I could feel and make out clearly and precisely in this dream. I was a priestess, and I would perform a specific ritual on a corpse that wasnt properly buried so the soul of the person could pass on to afterlife, it involved literally putting words in the bodys mouth and the magic of the spell i said into their lips sealed them shut. The spell is the only thing that I had a blank space of in the whole dream. I have found a drowned man, and his mouth would keep falling open when I tried to perform the ritual on him, I asked for help of 2 fellow priestesses and they couldnt make it either, and we had to attempt a council that was simply vital for all the priestesses and priests, kind of like a Vatical Council, thats how significant was it, we brought the corpse along. 3 days into of travel and uneventful attempts to carry on the spell the corpse suddenly started dancing and talking, and when we took it to the meeting to seek advise it turned out to be some rare malevilent creature of demonic nature and the 3 of us have been awarded with the privilege of commiting suicide and becoming a deity praised by votaries of this cult, a kind of holy trinity. In this dream, I commited suicide by jumping out a window, and I seriously felt the air on me as i fell and the moment i hit the ground and died. My dead body was dressed in raiments, jewels and flowers and I was looking at it as a spirit. I woke up completely delirious and remained that way for over a day, I was completely sure of the fact that Ive ready accepted and made peace with this decision and it seemed more real than life at the time. I can easily explain all this intensity and my derealization later with the fact that I have had cysts on my pineal gland for years and obviously it fucks my dreams and sleep cycle up. But right now I started digging into the east baltic mythos, I feel like I have dremt a remixed version or a prussian legend, I quote:

When the legendary rulers of the Old Prussians Prūtens and Vudevuts had reached more than a hundred years of age, the Prussian lands were divided between the sons of Vudevuts; it is from them that each of the regions takes its name. Prūtens ordered the priests to choose a new krīvu kirvaits from among their ranks. Then, at Rāmava, both old men blessed the people one last time, urged them to honour the high gods, live in harmony with one another and protect the freedom of their people. Then Prūtens and Vudevuts willingly climbed on the pyre and were burnt as sacrifices to the gods.

I honestly had a few dreams that were too true for dreams that scared me, and they involve a reoccuring dream I had as a child about 2 unhuman witches that lived in a bush, I would always get lost and stumble upon them and they always said "the bad guys come to the beavers" (lol tho).

I kinda feel like it all connects into something, I stronly believe in clairvoyance and also retrocognition and prophetic dreams, and I just struggle to put this togheter, I would just LOVE for someone to look at it with a fresh mind. PS I seriously am of sound mind and mental health, I have to check up on that considering the brain cysts, I am not mentally ill, never showed any signs of psychosis or delusion. A sound analitical mind, logic and veracity is what I value most, and thats why I struggle with this situation so much

/r/Paranormal Thread