Yes, I'm in Bronze. No, I don't deserve hate in Arcade and QP.

the game has been out for YEARS, how is this not the VERY FIRST THING anyone does just not have the screen cluttered, like when a bug or bird dung hit the windshield of your car?

We don't have all chat and we have to miss all the opportunities to actually annoy who deserves to be annoyed because people still don't automatically mute whoever is a potential "troublemaker".

This is why, I presume, we still dont have voice chat which would be GREAT for a game like this: how can people be afraid of words when the speaker can just be silenced forever? This reminds me of the early team fortress 2, or counterstrike too, when you could use software to spam music or audio files in game and people would start yelling "SHUT UP" at you... there is a huge MUTE button that takes just 1 click to activate.

I hope someone, some day, will be able to explain to me the general allergy to mute functions. Meanwhile I have to play hots with a LIMITED LIST of people that can be blocked, which really blows my mind.

/r/Overwatch Thread Parent