Yes, The Planned Parenthood Shooter Is A ‘Christian Terrorist’

you really shouldnt carry then dude - i get it, you dont want to adjust yourself for anyone else - but its immature, and makes even me think you might not be the kind of person who should carry one.

You seem not to be at the least bit concerned about anyone elses perception of you while you are in possession of it - thats not good.

also i think a lot of what im saying probably applies a lot more aptly to open carry than to concealed carry - i mean if you can conceal it properly i guess - but again, you should bear into mind the fact that people will be very uneasy if they do happen to see it and you're wearing overalls and a flannel shirt chomping down chewing tobacco, conversely if you look like you might have gang relations based on your chosen attire.

i know it sucks to take shit like that into consideration, because its based on public opinion - but you need to deal with the fact you are part of the public. A lot of people odnt like guns, and you should be responsible enough to take that into consideration.

also yes there have been more shootings - statistics everywhere, proof as far as the eye can see, no one wants to talk about it on any scale that will make a change of some kind and no one wants to believe the statistic because it makes guns look fucking horrible - it really does - because they kind of are. Fact of the matter is, no matter how much i love my guns, they make is sooooo much easier to kill people.

idk frankly im a much more stringent person when it comes to guns. I dont even think you should be allowed to buy one till you go through advanced courses and get good enough to be considered a fairly decent marksman and spend a required amount of time at the range every year to keep it - people get their conceal, and then never go to the range or fire the thing again - thats not safe, being out of practice with a weapon you may actually use one day.

if you cant put two in the chest and 1 in the head consistently at 15+ meters you shouldnt get to carry publicly.

i dont trust people, they very often prove to me why it is people dont want people owning guns. Lots and lots of people who handle their weapons like toys - i see it all the time, and im not gonna lie, its usually the guys who hold very similar opinions to your own, which makes it hard not to think the stereotypical gun totting patriot isnt automatically irresponsible with his firearm (not saying you're irresponsible in handling youre firearm)

theres a level of professionalism that needs to come with the possession of it or you open yourself to a lot of factors that cant be blamed on anyone but you for carrying.

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