Yes, please do write a giant paragraph telling me how terrible I am for liking the sequels just as much as the other 2 trilogies. I'd love to read it /s

I do, because insulting someone is not the same as criticising them. Also if you want to go the "objectively bad" route then only 4 Star Wars movies are watchable. Episode 4, episode 5, episode 7, and episode 8. Of course you're hiding your bias under the illusion of being "objective" so your list of passable films is different.

And I know your response to this is going to be "well you're a sequel lover, you're just as biased". I'm not, I don't just love one or two trilogies. I love ALL of Star Wars equally, INCLUDING the sequels. All 3 trilogies are special to me in their own way. I defend the sequels so much more than the other two trilogies though because it's hate is undeserved, and I know that eventually it will be loved anyway. Episode 5 was hated on when it came out, people said it ruined Star Wars. That's hard to believe, right? I didn't even believe it myself when I first heard it considering how beloved it is today. Same thing with episode 6. But both are loved now. The prequels were also hated on extremely because they're straight up bad films, and I say that as someone who grew up with them and has episode 3 as his favourite movie of all time. They're just objectively bad, and once again people said they ruined Star Wars. Now, if you say anything bad about the prequels people will kill you, because despite the film's being bad they eventually learned to love it, as people also did with episode 5 and 6. History repeats itself yet again with the sequels, people are once again saying Star Wars is ruined, but in 20 years I know people are going to be in love with them. It just makes me sad seeing so much unnecessary hatred surrounding them, it's just so pointless. I'm sure there were others just like me when episodes 5, 6, and the prequels came out.

Sorry, I went off on a tangent there. Take this how you will, I think I'm done with talking about Star Wars online. Also don't insult people even if they like something bad, it helps no one. Goodbye.

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