Yes, the Russia-Trump Investigation Is Real

I canceled out your negative downvotes.

First off, you sound a lot like a fascist right there, claiming that the opinions of people who you don't agree with should be suppressed and that they should be driven into poverty.

You have a valid point here and one I struggle with: how not to hate the haters.

I want to be clear here, the people I am talking about are those conservatives like my father. He has repeatedly doubled-down and, whether he knows it or not, has completely shrugged off any integrity he still had.

He has become like Darth Vader. I wish I was more like Luke and could save him but it's far too late. He ignored my warnings over the years regarding the propaganda of Fox News et al. and now his mind is a cesspool and his heart is like the Grinch's: cold, small, and dark. He is lost.

Second, it wasn't entirely the conservatives that pushed minority's into poverty, it was the policies such as welfare (which encourages less incentive to get a job and single motherhood, resulting in a higher crime rate, lack of inheriting much, lack of financial stability, higher drop out rates, etc). Policies like this are often supported by liberals, and conveniently many of the poorest cities in the US are run by liberals.

Your comment regarding welfare leading to laziness is a typical conservative talking point. It is also one that is readily proven false with any personal investigation.

International travel for every young American alone would reduce the number of conservatives. It is likely that many conservatives are such merely because they are ignorant of the world and the commonality of people in it. They are, typically, fearful people (though they vehemently deny it), seeing boogiemen in anything, and not particularly adventurous. You know: conservative!

Lastly, conservatives are often more American than liberals. We support the first amendment on all speech (offensive speech included), we support the second amendment (except for those who have been proven to be dangerous hence background checks). We're against socialism, communism, and fascism....

Not any more, Jack. Any claim conservatives had against being the Real America has been wiped away completely by their wilfully ignorant support and/or silence regarding trump. You may not realize this yet but it's true. If conservatives had any sense they'd be apologetic. (Ha!)

Conservatives may no longer claim moral superiority. Your ideology has been proven vastly inferior and fatally flawed, close-minded and small. You are holding humanity back.

With regard to conservatives' supposed support of the 2nd Amendment... Man, you really haven't been paying attention huh.

Now I know you won't agree with any of this, but I encourage you to at least look at it with an open mind.

Open mind was had. You're right, though, I don't agree with most of it.

The logic that has led me to my world view conclusions has been iterated over many, many times. I have looked at this from many angles.

Have you done the same?

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