Yesterday, my local Jewish Community Center was completely covered with Swastikas. I don't care who you vote for or where you lean. This is never ok.

So here's a list of founding members if the KKK who were in office as Democrats... I can cite Republicans if you'd like, but there's only 3 I must warn you. Racism runs deep in parts of both parties.

Robert C. Byrd AKA at one point 3rd in line for presidency

Edward Douglass White AKA Chief Justice of the United States of America

Hugo Black AKA the man known for sucsefully defending the murderer of a black priest.

Theodore G. Bilbo AKA founder of the Mississippi chapter of the first clan.

Joseph E. Brown: U.S. senator

John Brown Gordon AKA Founder of the first clan chapter in Alabama.

Elmer David Davies AKA Middle district Judge of Tennessee.

Bibb Graves AKA yet another exalted cyclops.

George Gordon AKA one of THE founding members of the 1st clan as well as the first ever grand dragon.

John Tyler Morgan AKA grand dragon of Alabama

Edmund Pettus AKA grand dragon of Alabama

And last but probably the most important, thought he only dipped his toe it... our 33rd president, Democrat Harry S. Truman.

All of these are founding members in either the full first klan or founders of their own chapter or held significant position within the klan while in office.

Truman I hold to a lesser extent, but who the fuck thinks "maybe I'll join this radical group."

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