Yesterday, my local Jewish Community Center was completely covered with Swastikas. I don't care who you vote for or where you lean. This is never ok.

.01% of the American population would be a little over 3 million people. I think that's a little too high of number for potenial bigots capable of violent hate crimes. Are there 300 people out there capable? Absolutely. 3000? Probably, 300,000... less likely, but conceivable.... you see where I'm going with this.

3 million people who are willing to murder in cold blood over a simple difference of race or religion is crazy high, and to me, a terrible outlook for humanity. I think the number of racists since the 1950s has undoubtedly gone down considerably, people on a whole are more understanding and appreciative of what they don't understand. And evolution will continue to decrease the number of bigots and racial hate. I think a big misconception is a misrepresentation of the actual number of racist hearted people among us, something that's actually incalculable.

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