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Yet another AITA couple that seems to hate each other. Bonus points for a vaguely sexist husband who doesn't seem to understand what a job is.

Yet another AITA couple that seems to hate each other. Bonus points for a vaguely sexist husband who doesn't seem to understand what a job is.

This is misogynistic behaviour. It shows he has a very sexist view of women i.e. women should be caretakers and serve others.

The way he tricked you, OP, shows HUGE disrespect for you. He doesn't respect you or your work. And he's happy to trick you into doing childcare/housework on you, and then HE makes YOU out the bad guy? Wow, really manipulative. I can't believe he only works part time and you work full time but he expects YOU to stop work to cook for HIS kids when he has more flexibility and free time? That's sheer glaring entitled sexist misogynistic behavior.

This behaviour of fathers expecting the new gf/wife to take on the childcare/housework of the stepchildren is common. My guess is he was planning on you doing most of the childcare/housework eventually.

Most men these days are fine with women working, they just still expect them to do most of the childcare/housework.

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