Yet again, the "open relationship" proves to be the kiss of death for a relationship.

You didn't say "cheater" in the post I replied to, you said "immortal," even though you tried to stealth edit your post after I responded and are now trying to gaslight this conversation.

I edited it because it was a more appropriate term—as is the purpose of the edit function—and in any case, none of that invalidates my points.

Are you really trying to testify to the content of my beliefs and intentions based on a pedantic little word game you are playing with yourself?

This is an empirical claim, not a normative one, so again, I attached no moral values to either party here, and there are examples of this dynamic playing itself out all over the internet.

The place in which you write something does matter, believe it or not. The purpose of this subreddit is to criticize infidelity, not anything you arbitrarily believe to be immoral. I'm sure you would not find it appropriate if I posted a link to an article covering the buffalo shooting here, for example. You are attaching a moral value to both of the parties by virtue of posting it to a subreddit criticizing immoral activity—and it is obvious which side you are making out to be immoral here.

Rather than attempting to read my mind, maybe read my comments, where I explained that relationships that begin as monogamous and one partner proposes an open relationship often happens either because of ongoing infidelity or a desire or intention to sleep with someone else, and this is very often the beginning of the end for a relationship.

OOP made no comment on their own infidelity or the lack thereof, however, so you're the one attempting to read people's minds here. I'm only making very logical assumptions based on your posts and comments—I've explained where I reached my conclusions from. I also heavily doubt you have a source that most open relationships are started because of ongoing infidelity. OP might have desired to sleep with other people—but that in itself is not immoral behavior, as it is impossible to control one's desires.

And yes, you attempting to confidently assess the political and social affiliations of me and others on this sub, based on you tortured reading of this thread, is unusual.

I was referring to social and sexual conservatives; political affiliations have nothing to do with it. I happen to be economically right-wing myself (although certainly not conservative).

I'm done with this, as you clearly are an expert on the contents of other's thoughts and beliefs, so I'm afraid there isn't anything that I can offer that you don't already know.

I'm glad you think I'm an expert. Experience in an area does help in identifying the same skill in others.

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