YLS has stopped publishing its undergrad composition stats

There's 3 from my small, highly-ranked liberal arts college, but it's not just the college that makes the difference. They're all incredibly smart people with 10/10 resumes (as an example, one won probably the most selective national fellowship and a masters, was student body president, in the colleges top academic program, in the military too, and worked for one of the top consulting firms all before applying).

Just to say that is the kind of competition that's out there. It's the top law school in the country with only a few spots. I'd estimate that at least 10x that many from my college have been rejected in the same time period with perfect GPAs, high test scores, Honors in the same academic programs, strong resumes & professional experience. At the end of the day, it's a matter of luck too. There are a lot of colleges out there and it's just not possible to have someone from all of them. Don't worry about yours holding you back, it's just one part of the overall picture and they do a holistic review.

/r/lawschooladmissions Thread