Yo! Fuck you . . . and your dog.

I now love this fucking sub even more. Just moved into a house where the fucking little piece of shit of a dog as big as a fart doesn't shut up untrained by inconsiderate cunts. they can go fuck themselves, them, their fucking dog, their fucking lights and their fucking gatherings of smokers and children.

sorry it's been building up but.....

I'm not bothered by daylight savings, I've got a special daylight savings in my yard, where light is on till midnight and they're not even out there! fucking cunts. fuck fuck fuck fuck

or the screaming competition when they invite over their friends children on a fucking thursday night after work...bullshit, just fucking bullshit...all I want to hear after 10 hours away from home is silence not your fucking inconsiderate stupid kids screaming for 20 minutes in a row in unison, if I wanted to live next to a kindergarten I would have done so.

And your dodgy friends coming over and having a smoke gathering. Guess what, you don't smoke inside? but you smoke outside and your fucking shit goes inside my house. fuck you and your fucking selfrighteous ass. you assholes.

this place is so beautiful if only you were not there. fuckwits, selfabsorbed, clueless bogans.

/r/theydidthefuckyou Thread Link - i.imgur.com