you'll notice that i often refer to liberals as 'faggots'...

liberals are acting like fascists, and the symbol of fascism is the fasces. a fasces is an axe wrapped in a faggot (a bundle of sticks). the meaning behind the fasces symbol is that the sticks can easily break when handled individually, but when bound together, the whole is much stronger. the axe provides the edge and power needed to use coercion to instill fascistic dogma. this perfectly describes the liberal mentality. they do not respect the rights of individuals; only groups. 

liberals have single handedly re-shaped western societies under a framework of identity politics. so when i call liberals 'faggots' in more or less 100% of my posts, i'm not referring to the possibility that they might love having dicks plunged in and out of their assholes, or that their bloodstream might be something of a cocktail of sexually transmitted diseases. no. don't be such a bigot. i'm just using the symbolism of the fasces to describe their behaviour as accurately as i can. i'm referring to their relentless group mentality, and unwillingness to treat people as individuals rather than constituent members of an arbitrarily defined identity group.


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