"You'll be old and lonely! "

I got hit with that line twice in the past couple of weeks. First from my church's priest last week at a big group lunch and yesterday from my brother-in-law and sister at a family BBQ.

The priest had been bugging me about it, publicly, for a while. I told him and I had utterly no interest in marriage and that I would never sign a fucking contract that says that if a woman gets tired of me, she can unilateral ruin my life and everything I've ever worked for. One of the older married guys at the group lunch kind of understood where I was coming from, though, so that was cool. I was pretty abrupt about it, I didn't want to have this conversation with the priest ever again. I have to laugh, at one point he told me that for some reason he hadn't officiated a wedding in a long time. "Good", I told him. "Go watch one on youtube."

My brother-in-law and sister, I'm pretty sure, won't be happy until they've fucked up my life permanently. I've only been in one LTR, ten years ago, and only did it when they pushed me into it. It turns out that the girl was cheating and I'm pretty sure my sister knew about it for a few months before finally telling me. It's hard to be polite with these kinds of people. So, anyway, I get hit by them yesterday with the "you're going to die alone" bullshit. Meanwhile, I don't know any married guys in their 60s who don't want to be alone after decades of torture and nagging. Still, it's a BBQ and I wanted to eat my burger without having an aneurysm. When he spouted off the stat that most children today are born out of wedlock, I told him that everyone's doing whatever they want now. Maybe if society didn't propagandize marriage so much 40 years ago, lots of guys would have gone MGTOW back then, too.

Nobody knows what's going to happen in a few decades. I'm already hating things the way they are now, imagine a generation from now when children who are growing up in unstable homes today go into the workforce. The whole "you're going to die alone" statement is meant to scare you, but even if it worked, can you say without laughing that the modern woman would make a good parent?

/r/MGTOW Thread