You'll Know It When It Happens - November 21, 2016 - 23:59 UTC

"No, Oz, that's fraggin' stupid." "Look CC, just hear me out I've seen it before..." "There's a difference in acquiring questionably legal weapons, and getting stupid novelty items. No, just no." "But it'd be so badass to supress the Warhawks, and you know it- I'll call you back."


"I'll take the job, but you're gonna have to give me a bigger cut, I'm the one risking my hoop out there." "Look FrontMan, it's stressful finding you two different types of gigs, and until you hit it big in either it's gonna be costing a lot more in labor."


"ChopChop, you can't kill the Johnson just because he made a comment on your scoo-... er, motorcycle. You're lucky you didn't do it at the meeting, you can put a real damper on us getting work. Speaking of work, here. Protection detail, kind of the opposite of what you normally do."

((Also, was there an error with the date/time?))

/r/shadownet Thread