Young man arrested at Squirrel Hill farmers market for trying to start a conversation with a police officer about his Blue Lives Matter mask. Officer won't give a valid reason for his arrest.

No, but purposefully abusing those contract/rules, so much so that the allegheny treasurer had to change how the contract works because they were actually abusing it so much that the pension fund was getting dangerously underfunded compared to how much money they were drawing out is. Not sure if you're aware, just because something is technically legal doesn't make it a morally okay thing to do.

Cops who magically have the ability to work 40+ hours of overtime every week for an entire year (not even going to get into the plethora of issues raised by a person working overtime 40+ hours a week at all, especially when those people have a gun) and then retire that year, while all of the cops who get no added benefit from the overtime choose to take zero overtime.

It's almost like they only think the overtime is worth it when it means that you'll actually be getting paid more money by retiring than by working. For the rest of your life.

So again, exploiting a loophole to try and personally benefit yourself with the most money possible, even if it's legal and within the rights of contract at the time, is morally reprehensible.

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