Young men playing video games 12 hours a day, not showering and having no irl friends need our help more than they need our mockery.

I'm one of those hermits... It's just super easy to be home in my room all day.

Because i have no friends/relationships i've been able to focus on myself without giving up the neck beard life.

The few people i do talk on occasion have complimented me on my weight loss. I also work comfortably at a well paying job. Have a good amount in my savings.

Legit, i don't know what to do in life.

I don't want a girlfriend. (If i run into a girl then okay why not, but i don't really feel like a gf is what i need right now.)

I don't want to travel. (Everywhere is dangerous as fuck, i never leave without my pistol and i mask. I go to where i need to go, do what i need to do and go straight home.)

Going to the gym is boring. (I love how my clothes look on me, but sitting still and doing workouts is absolutely mind numbingly boring. Music,Podcasts,etc don't really help)

I have no passion for anything. (I've tried to pursue so many and even though i have actually gotten far in various, they feel empty and i ultimately drop them. Ex: Music, Art, Chemical engineering, Boxing, Skateboarding, Cooking and writing)

I literally just get stoned and play all sorts of video games on my freetime. It's all i know since i was like little. (I started abusing NyQuil at 9)

My only long term goal is to buy a really nice modern house. That's all i'm looking forward too.

I was wild af in highschool tho.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread