Young woman in Netherlands takes selfies with the men who catcall her to teach them about ‘privacy’

I agree there's no comparison. So why did you bring it up?

Because in your opinion, catcalling is comparable to upskirt photos. If arguments on the street are not comparable to a video of someone being tossed around and insulted, then catcalling is not comparable to upskirt shots, because these are two analogous situations.

She decided not to be a victim.

She didn't have to decide, girls who get catcalled without further consequences cannot be "victims", in the same way I'm not a "victim" if I'm physically threatened without any actual followup to that. The whole nature of threats is that they are suggesting later harm, and if it never comes then it was an empty threat and it is none of anybody's concern.

Similarly, her actions are a way of getting back at those guys with no serious consequences to anyone involved. I am completely fine with it, I never actually said she was doing something wrong by taking the photos, I'm taking issue with your perception of the danger levels of situations like these.

Suggesting that someone who objects to catcalling is mentally unstable? I don't even have words for that. Wow. Just wow.

Yes, I think being seriously traumatized by something like that is a sign that one is overly-sensitive. No, I don't understand your mindset either.

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