Young woman in a tight spot edging towards making the choice of a childfree lifestyle (long)

That is quite a realistic approach I must say. It seems that my SO has a very rosy view on having children. He realizes to an extent the responsibilities (as well as financial and emotional constraints) but doesn't seem to grasp what a pain the concept is in reality. Your idea is however a bit extreme, and is bound to piss him off to say the least, but would definitely be a repellent. It does seem like you're trying to emphasize on the negative impacts of having a baby/toddler, and not children in general though. People who truly and genuinely wish for children tend to think a bit deeper than the child's physical needs. My SO doesn't want children right now as well (which we both agree on) but doesn't seem to struggle with the morality of having children. His only reason to actually have children is that "he would feel sad at the end of his life that we never did". I don't believe that he has thought this out at all, and is only basing his views on the fact that he believes something would be "lacking" from our lives if we never ended up having children (terrible reasoning for bringing a human into this world).

I think that you are right in that he should realize the implications of having children, and have a bit of an emotional journey to see whether he truly desires them, or if it's just pressure from everyone else. I think that if he truly thinks long and hard, he will realize that we don't need them to feel accomplished together (since he has expressed similar views but doesn't quite realize his standpoint).

I just wish there was a way to positively stimulate him to think about this. He tends to avoid subjects that are not relevant and don't have a direct impact on our lives right now ("We're not having children now, so we'll decide in the future right? It doesn't matter what we decide at that time, since it won't impact the state of our relationship"). If he were to actually give it thought, he would discover that we largely share the same views (which he has shown, especially the views on negatively impacting the world population). If you pester my SO about something he doesn't care about however, it has adverse effects on him, and he shuts himself down for the subject. He does this when he feels pressured by other people to do something. All I can do is just drop little hints here and there reminding him that kids don't have to be the ultimate goal in life, and that it's a huge responsibility no matter how you look at it.

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