Your Completely Untrustworthy Memory

Might end up on r/iamverysmart, but fuck it. While the video is clever and very informative, it must be pointed out that memory is not always biased in this fashion for some individuals.

Now for the part you might chastise me for and irrevocably immortalize my username on some sub designated for criticizing others:

I have Eidetic memory, and always have. The ironic part (perhaps not) is that I have terrible dyscalculia and dyslexia. When I *think*, I do not sub-vocalize. I can literally see my memories. When it came to tests in school, I would skim the material beforehand and retain it; I was able to look back on it. A decade later, I still do this. My memories do not build themselves out of emotion. If I don't know something, I don't know it... and I know that. It is black and white.

Having the awareness to know you don't know something is key. Many people mistake *gut-feeling* for belief--that is a mistake.

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