Why is your Ex-friend an Ex-friend?

i fucking hate her boyfriend and i always talk shit about him to her face and to my friends but we both know i do. we are otherwise really good friends like siblings that looked out for each other except this one thing. she is 22 and just graduated and he is almost 30 just graduated as well. he started at 18. shes kinda dumb but a really good person and well meaning but thinks she'll be rich just cause he has a nuclear engineering degree but he still hasnt landed a job, probably cause there are other engineers out there that dont take 12 years to graduate. not like he took a break or had a family tragedy. works as a waiter still. this would all be fine and dandy too cause i worked through college as a waiter as well and i dont particularly judge people based on income even though she could do better cause she is pretty much a 8.7 ish and asian and he is by my female friends standards a 3-4 and by guy standards a 5. anyway this would all be fine if he didnt have a HUGE stick up his ass and acted like a huge douchebag. when one of her friends calls her one of her bitches he goes into a fit that they cant use that word like hes a fucking puritan or some shit and tries to fight people 10 years younger than him to prove how tough he is. also brags about how much more experience he has than the rest of us like how hes partied more than us (dono if thats really an accomplishment) even though hes had almost a decade more time in college than us.

friends told me to support them and i tried to be happy and kept my mouth shut when they got engaged but then her other friends spoke up too but im usually the harshest and most blunt cause thats the way i am. things got ugly. no longer talk anymore. considering how close we were (i was gonna be a male bridesmaid for her and she was gonna be my best man) i was surprised how much this hasnt phased me. i really dont care.

also before you guys type in all caps about friendzone shit im not attracted to asians at all and she is one. high preference for half asians, latinas, pretty much anything thats part asian part something, never pureblood, like not attracted to whites asians blacks blablabla. yeah im a mudblood lover.

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