Your favorite answer to the most common objections you get ? (not interested, too expensive, I'll think about it etc..)

Obviously all depends what industry you're in, but as a consumer, when I tell a sales person "I'll speak with my wife and get back to you" - the worst thing you can do is challenge me on that.

Implying that I shouldn't need to speak to her, or I'm capable of making my own decisions etc = you're gone, instantly. We're done. Gender is irrelevant; people who have shared responsibilities and shared finances make decisions together.

The correct response would be "Absolutely - I'd do the same or I'd never hear the end of it. You run the details by her, and I'll call you in a couple of days - say X day at X time - how does that sound?"

Most of these objections just suggest to me that the lead wasn't appropriately warmed up in the first place.

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