Get your feelings out / Rage Thread / Re Branding

I love this sub and the drama that comes with it, but sometimes ppl be backwards as fuck in here. Hate Phi2 on AS2 then love her for 365 Days of Drag, hate her again coz she messy (in general) then love her again, kissing her ass which done caused this subs meltdown. Fuck is it - Hate her? Love her? She done set this place ablaze and is watching the inferno as her ruvenge for this sub & AS2. UGH I hate her coz she did this, but then again I love me a messy bitch (clock the flair).

Not to mention this brand shit. I ain't sign up to be anybody's brand. Catering to queens via sponsorship & literally babying to one of the most hated/loved queens here. This lack of transparency is what got bitches heated. Do better, mods.

What I like to see: - drag race inspired content like rucaps & artwork - fan opinions on episodes, GOOD BAD and straight up WRECK'D

What I can't stand: - posts that bait. Stop listening/watching these ig/Facebook live vids, posting t here only to prove that that person or persons are messy or whatever. YES IM TALKIN BOUT NINA. Some of y'all don't like her coz she got issues and y'all be analyzing her on y'all Jung & Freud shit but can y'all chill with the "Nina said this and I hate her now" threads. Same with the opposite. Your fave is great sure, but you can circle jerk over them at r/rpdrcirclejerk (or whatever that sub is). - the "Straight Guy here...blah blah blah bullshit" just...ugh.

Remember when the worst we dealt with was all that Pokémon Go shitposting during offseason? I miss those days

/r/rupaulsdragrace Thread