Your guys' thoughts on this fat burner?

ECA is the only fat burner that's for damn sure going to help, but that's a pain to find, so I'll suggest Optiburn Amped, the powdered form, and purchased off of eBay. There's an awesome amount of ingredients beyond the fat burning stuff (Rhodiola, AlCar, Taurine, some other stuff I forget) that are normally always underdosed (AlCar especially) and in Optiburn they're at the right amounts and the right ratios, and they're amazing for mood and whatnot, and that's always great for feeling motivated enough to exercise as well as a sort of indirect appetite least in my experience. When I'm feeling good I tend to want to eat well. I suspect it has something to do with cortisol (not sure why), but I'm not sure.

On top of that it has dandelion for dealing with the water weight and some pretty good stuff for appetite and general weight loss stuff.

Stubborn fat doesn't get burned off with a pill, normally, because most pills don't target the proper sites, unless they contain alpha yohimbine (brown fat is the love handle stuff, and it's hard to cut for a reason). Those stubborn areas are actually meant to warm you up in cold conditions, and they're burnt to increase thermogenesis and what not, so maybe colder environments are the answer? I'm not quite sure.

This was a mountain of text and rambling, so my apologies for that. Hope the supplement suggestion helps. Don't buy the marketing shit though. No matter the supplement, they all basically do the same thing and the only thing that matters is the work you actually put in.

I mean, I've known dumbasses who took legitimate steroids, the shit you pin, who couldn't lose a pound of weight because they spent every night drunk and eating shit food.

/r/Supplements Thread