Why is your honest opinion on Chelsea?

I think Adam was her entire storyline. The whole dynamic between her disapproving family and this bad-boy baby daddy (whom she refused to stop chasing) is what got her on the show to begin with. As far as I can tell, her only talents are burping, farting, squeezing out babies and being annoying AF. She reminds me of Tori Spelling in that she's got a naturally homely face and a naturally dumpy body, but she also has unlimited cash for beauty treatments and personal trainers (except that, instead of Aaron Spelling, she has MTV boosting her up). Add to that her disgusting smugness, her absolutely gross sense of entitlement, that nasally, metallic baby voice she won't stop using and...I'm sorry, I have to stop. I just can't!

/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2 Thread