Your life is not over just because you have a low GPA. Also, don't ask for a grade bump.

Apparently firing professors for grading too harshly is a thing now. Happened to one of our math profs just this semester.

That makes me sad.

My Gen Chem 1 class consisted of all health related majors (a few of them pre-meds, but mostly students who wanted to be nurses) plus me (math) and an engineering major. The only people who got A's in that class were me, the engineering major, and a pre-med who cheated on everything.

At my school, there is a huge rift between the math, physics, and engineering department and the other departments. Too put it bluntly, our department believes in standards, and the others don't. Sadly, it's pretty much our department chair and a handful of professors fighting against the entire school to maintain those standards. Part of the reason everyone except for me and the engineering major did badly in Gen Chem is because students came into our class not knowing algebra. Our class was way easier than most chem classes at most schools, and the professor did curve at the end. But students still failed, because they simply did not have the super basic pre-requisite knowledge for the class, and that is the fault of an administration that allows that to happen.

I am very glad none of our math profs are going to be fired for having standards. Currently, the guy running our department is great, and is trying to minimize the damage of the low-standards tenured profs that would be fired if they weren't tenured.

Your school sounds worse than mine, though, which is surprising, because mine is pretty bad (again, except for some wonderful gems in our department).

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