In your opinion, are one trick alt's "throwers"

yea, the toxicity in gold was mindblowing.

Every game it would be 3dps and if I (part of the "problem" by playing one of the 3 dps) asked for any swaps to help the team i'd be told I need to switch if i want the problem corrected usually resulting in every teamate being generally tilted after that at all 3 dps players.

If I ask for more healing to not have to waste recalls or run off for health packs I get flamed for not "just blinking all the shots"

Any loss is the DPS's fault even if the tanks made no space and healers did nothing

any pulse bombs I missed were just me throwing

If my team was tilting me and I stopped shotcalling for them I'd get flamed more for not using coms (i try not to tilt but I'm not a saint, If I have 20kdmg and 43 elims I wish the 4 guys qued with their mercy one trick streamer girl would please stop screaming into your mic that I need to switch because i'm trash) (yes this actually happened in a game, 5 stack with e-girl mercy streamer screaming at me all game after saying we need to switch off the mercy for our dive comp...)

If i made too many calls I'd get flamed for never shutting up

I really do feel for any players from 2.3k-3.4k, it's a horribly toxic place, it gets better in masters and high dia, but the best area in my opinion for fun and good overwatch comp is 3.8k+ that's where the game really starts to feel "correct".

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